1. Nicotine and alcohol are drugs that affect the brain.
 1. (a) (i) What is the correct description of both nicotine and alcohol?
                                                                                                                      [1 mark]
 Tick () one box.

 illegal, medical drugs
 illegal, recreational drugs
 legal, medical drugs
 legal, recreational drugs ✔

 1. (a) (ii) Why do people find it difficult to stop smoking?
                                                                                                       [1 mark]
 _Ans: A cigarette is a drug. People can become addicted to it. People who try to stop smoking may develop withdrawal symptoms if they have smoked heavily for a long time. _____________________

1. (b) A drug company has developed a new drug which helps people to stop smoking.
The new drug prevents the feeling of pleasure caused by nicotine in the smoke.
The new drug is now being tested on rats which have been given a lot of alcohol
to drink.
The company wants to find out if the drug can help people to stop drinking alcohol.

 1. (b) (i) It is important that the tests on rats are done by an independent company.
What is meant by an independent company?

Ans: Independent company means idea of not part of the drug company.

1. (b) (ii) Why is it important that the tests are done by an independent company?
                                                                                                                   [1 mark]
 _____Ans: idea of not part of the drug company

1. (b) (iii) Some scientists believe that the part of the brain sensitive to alcohol is the same as the part of the brain sensitive to nicotine.
Explain why the n new drug might be useful for treating people who find it difficult to stop drinking alcohol.

Ans: 1. Reduce feeling of pleasure
          2. Less likely to drink alcohol.

 1. (c) Figure 1 shows the results of a survey into the different types of alcoholic drinks consumed by one hundred 15-year-old boys and one hundred 15-year-old girls in the UK.

 1. (c) (i) Describe the differences between the types of alcoholic drink consumed by boys and by girls.
Use only information from Figure 1.
                                                                                                                               [2 marks]
 ____________________________________________________________1. idea of so they will not be biased_
  2. Higher % or more boys (than girls) drink beer

1. (c) (ii) A newspaper headline stated:
                      “All boys drink alcohol”
 Use information from part (c) and Figure 1 to give one reason why the newspaper headline may not be correct.

Ans: only done on 15-year-olds

2. In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising
information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.
Mineral ions are an important component of a healthy diet.
Describe how the other components of the diet are important in keeping us healthy.

In your answer you should refer to:
 the different components
 why we need each component.

Ans: *carbohydrate for energy
*Protein builds cells
* vitamins for healthy functioning of the body

Balanced diet contains right balance of different foods to meet needs.

Allow other components and needs e.g. roughage
Water transport food perticles.

 3. Students investigated decomposition.
The students:
 put some decaying grass cuttings into a vacuum flask
 put a carbon dioxide sensor and a temperature sensor in the flask
 attached the sensors to a data logger
 closed the flask with cotton wool.
 A vacuum flask was used to reduce the loss of thermal energy.
Figure 2 shows the investigation.

 3. (a) Give one advantage of using a temperature sensor attached to a data logger instead of a thermometer.

Ans: continuous reading/ do not need to be there/ accurate/reduces human error.

3. (b) Figure 3 shows the results from the data logger for carbon dioxide concentration in the flask for the next 25 days. 

3. (b) (i) Why did the concentration of carbon dioxide in the flask increase?
                                                                                                                       [3 marks]
 _____________________________________________________________Ans: Microorganisms respire releases CO2
                         Allow microbes/ bacteria/fungi/ decomposser for microorganisms, throughout ignore carbon released. __________________________________________________________

3. (b) (ii) Suggest what has happened in the flask to cause the carbon dioxide concentration to level off after 20 days.

Ans: All grass decomposed

4. This question is about the nervous system.
 4. (a) Describe the difference between the function of a receptor and the function of an effector.

Ans: Receptor detect/sense stimuli/change in surroundings or convert stimulus into an impulse
* example of a receptor
* Effectors allow/ make response or convert an impulse to an action
* muscle gland

4. (b) Synapses are important in the nervous system.
 4. (b) (i) What is a synapse?
                                                                                            [2 marks]
 ____________________________________________________________________Ans: junction____________
 ___between neuron___________________________________________

 4. (b) (ii) Describe how information passes across a synapse.

Ans: (chemical) passes (across
synapse) to next neurone to
stimulate / cause (electrical)

4. (c) Reflexes may be co-ordinated by the brain or by the spinal cord.
 4 (c) (i) The reflexes from sense organs in the head are co-ordinated by the brain.
Name a sense organ involved in a reflex co-ordinated by the spinal cord.
                                                                                                                      [1 mark]

4. (c) (ii) Table 1 shows information about reflexes co-ordinated by the brain and reflexes co-ordinated by the spinal cord.

Calculate the mean speed of the impulse for the reflex co-ordinated by the spinal cord.
                                                                                                                           [1 mark]

 _______________________S = D/T
___________________             =1.6 (cm per millisecond)____________________________________________________________________________
Mean speed = _____1.6 __________ cm per millisecond

 4. (c) (iii) In reflexes co-ordinated by the brain there are no relay neurones.
Suggest why there is a difference in the mean speed of the impulse for the
two reflexes.
[2 marks]

Ans: • synapses slow down
transmission / impulse
• fewer synapses (via brain)

5. Figure 4 shows changes in the foot bones of four ancestors of modern horses over the past 50 million years. 

5. (a) Describe two changes to the bones in the feet of horses that have taken place over the past 50 million years.
                                                                                                                                   [2 marks]
 _____________________________________________________________ fewer (bones in total)
• fewer bones touching the

5. (b) Eohippus lived in swampy areas with soft mud.
Since this time the ground in the habitat has become drier and harder.
All of the horse ancestors were preyed upon by other animals.

 5. (b) (i) Explain one advantage to Eohippus of the arrangement of bones in its feet.
                                                                                                                             [2 marks]

Ans: low / less pressure on ground
(so) less likely to sink into mud /

5. (b) (ii) The changes in the arrangement of the foot bones of horses support Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection.
Explain how the arrangement of the foot bones of Eohippus could have evolved into the arrangement of the foot bones of Equus.

Ans: variation (in size / number /
arrangement of bones)
(and) those with large(r) /
few(er) bones more suited to
running or run faster (on harder
/ drier ground)

6. Malaria is a disease caused by a microorganism carried by mosquitoes.
The microorganism is transferred to humans when adult female mosquitoes feed on human blood.
Figure 5 shows the life cycle of a mosquito.

The World Health Organisation estimates that 3  108 people are infected with malaria
every year.
Scientists estimate that malaria kills 2  106 people every year.
The people who are infected with malaria but do not die, may be seriously ill and need health care for the rest of their lives.

 6. (a) Based on the estimated figures, what percentage of people infected with malaria die from the disease?
                                                                                                  [2 marks]

Ans:        allow 1 mark for evidence of
                (2 x 10⁶)  ➗  (3 x 10⁸)
                = 0.67 %
           allow 0.6 or 0.7

6. (b) An internet article states:
1 Mosquito larvae are at the start of the food chain for some fish.
2 Adult mosquitoes provide food for bats and birds.
3 Mosquitoes are also important in plant reproduction because they feed from flowers of crop plants.

 6. (b) (i) The first sentence in the article is not correct.
Explain why.
[2 marks]
 _____________________________________________________________Ans: idea that food chains start with plants/ producers
                   these make food
 * idea that these make food (for other organisms in the chain)________________________

6. (b) (ii) A company plans to produce genetically modified (GM) adult male mosquitoes.
The GM mosquitoes will carry a gene from bacteria. The gene causes the death of
offspring before they become adults.
Male mosquitoes do not feed on blood.
Scientists are considering releasing millions of adult male GM mosquitoes into the wild.
Do you think scientists should release millions of male GM mosquitoes into the wild?
In your answer you should give advantages and disadvantages of releasing
GM mosquitoes into the wild.
                                                                                                                       [4 marks]

• fewer mosquitos biting or spreading malaria
• fewer people get / die from malaria
• lower medical costs (for those infected or for
treatment) or less healthcare needed
• better economically for
developing / tropical countries.

• fewer crops reproduce
• poorer crop yield
• possible starvation (of people)
• high cost of GM production / mosquito release
• less food for bats / birds or bats / birds die
• gene could ‘escape’ into other wildlife / species

6. (b) (iii) Describe the process for creating a GM mosquito.
                                                                                               [3 marks]

• gene from bacteria cut out
• ref to enzymes (anywhere in process)
• (gene) transferred to chromosome of mosquito

7. Students investigated a food chain in a garden.
        lettuce      ➡snail       thrush (bird)

 The students:
 estimated the number of lettuce plants in the garden
 estimated the number of snails feeding on the lettuces
 counted two thrushes in the garden in 5 hours.

Table 2 shows the students’ results and calculations.

7. (a) (i) Give two ways that biomass is lost along a food chain.
                                                                                                                 [2 marks]
 _ not all eaten
• used for respiration__________________________________________________

7. (a) (ii) Scientists estimate that about 90% of the biomass in food is lost at each step in a food chain.
Suggest one reason why the students’ value for the percentage of biomass lost
between the snails and the thrushes is only 66%.
                                                                                                                                [1 mark]

Ans: thrushes eat other things

7. (b) European banded snails have shells with different colours (light or dark) and with stripes or with no stripes.
Figure 6 shows two examples of European banded snails.

Figure 7 shows results from surveys in woodlands and in grasslands of the percentage
of snails with light-coloured shells and the percentage of snails with no stripes.
Each point on Figure 7 represents the results of one survey in one habitat.

7. (b) (i) Figure 7 is a scatter graph.
Why is a scatter graph used for this data?
[1 mark]
 ____________________________________________________________there are two dependent
7. (b) (ii) Compare the general appearance of snails that live in woodlands with the general appearance of snails that live in grasslands.
[2 marks]
 ___(snails in woodlands)
more have dark(er) colour (ed
shells) or fewer have lightcoloured shells
(shells have) no / fewer stripes
or have no stripes__________________________________________________________________________________

7. (b) (iii) Suggest a reason for the general appearance of snails that live in woodlands.
                                                                                                                   [1 mark]

Ans: less likely to be seen (by
predators / birds / thrushes)

7. (c) Snails are not used as indicator species as they cannot give us information about pollution levels.
 7. (c) (i) Name one type of animal that can be used as an indicator species.
State the environmental factor that the animal indicates.
                                                                                                             [1 mark]
 Indicator species ________________________________
 Environmental factor ______________________________________________________________Ans: Environmental factor
(concentration of dissolved)

 7. (c) (ii) Give one different method of measuring the environmental factor you gave in part (c)(i).
                                                                                                                         [1 mark]

Ans: oxygen meter

AQA GCSE BIOLOGY-2016 Higher Tier B2

1. An athlete ran as fast as he could until he ran was exhausted.

1. a) Figure 1 shows the concentrations of glucose and of lactic acid in the athlete's blood at the start and at the end of the run.

1. a) i) Lactic acid is made during anaerobic respiration.

What does anaerobic mean?

Ans: without oxygen

ii) Give evidence from Figure 1 that the athlete respired anaerobically during the run.

Ans: increased lactic acid

1. b) Figure 2 shows the effect of running on the rate of blood flow through the athlete's muscles.

1. b) i) For how many minutes did the athlete run?

        Time = 1.5 minutes

ii) Describe what happens to the rate of blood flow through the athlete's muscles during the run.

Use data from Figure 2 in your answer.

Ans: Increases at first and leveling off suitable use of numbers

          e.g. rises to 10/by 9 (dm3 per min)

iii) Explain how the change in blood flow to the athlete's muscles helps him to run.

Supplies oxygen

supplies glucose

for respiration

releases energy (for muscle contraction)

2. In this question you will be assessed on using good English, organising information clearly and using specialist terms where appropriate.

Light intensity, CO2 concentration and temperature are three factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis.

How would you investigate the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis?

Figure 3 shows some of the apparatus you might use.

You should include details of:

*How you would set up the apparatus and the materials you would use

* the measurements you would make

* How you could make this a fair test

Ans: apparatus set up:

- Weed in water in beaker

- light shining on beaker

- method of varying the light intensity- eg. changing distance of lamp from plant.

method of controlling other variables

- use same pond weed or same length of pond weed.

Temperature: water bath or heat screen CO2

Leave sufficient time at each new light intensity before measurement taken.

- method of measuring photosynthesis. 

3. Enzymes are made and used in all living organisms.

3. a) What is an enzyme?

Ans: Enzymes are protein molecules which can be defined as biological catalysts. A catalysts is a molecule which speeds up a chemical reaction but remains unchanged at the end of the reaction.

b) Many enzymes work inside cells.

In which part of a cell will most enzymes work?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

cell membrane      cytoplasm                  nucleus

3. c) We can also use enzymes in industry.

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical that can be used to preserve milk.

Adding a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to the milk kills the bacteria that cause decay. Hydrogen peroxide does not kill all disease- causing bacteria.

The enzyme catalase can be added later to break down the hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water.

A different way of preserving the milk is by heating it in large machines to 138⁰С for a few seconds.

Suggest one advantage and one disadvantage of using hydrogen peroxide and catalase to preserve milk instead of using heat treatment.

Advantage of hydrogen peroxide and catalase     

   ......heat would....denature protein...

The disadvantage of hydrogen peroxide and catalase......

    (some pathogens......may survive) causing illness....

4. The stomach is an organ.

a) To which organ system does the stomach belong?


b) The stomach wall contains the following types of tissue.

* epithelial tissue

* glandular tissue

* muscular tissue

b) i) What is the function of epithelial tissue in the stomach?

Ans: Produce enzyme/protease

* (digestive juice/enzyme) digests/ breaks down protein

* produces HCl/ acid

*kills bacteria/ pathogens or provides optimum pH

iii) Describe how muscular tissue helps the stomach to function.

* Contracts

* Churns/mixes/moves/stomach contents

5. Figure 4 shows the production of human sperm cells.

a) Name the organ where the processes shown in Figure 4 take place.

Ans: testis

b) i) Not every cell in Figure 4 contains the same amount of DNA.

Cell A contains 6.6 picograms of DNA (1 picogram = 10¯¹² grams).

How much DNA is there in each of the following cells?

Cell B   13.2 picograms

Cell C   6.6 picograms

Cell E 3.3 picograms

5. b) ii) How much DNA would there be in a fertilized egg cell?

Ans: 6.6 picograms

iii) A fertilized egg cell divides many times to form an embryo.

Name this type of cell division.

Ans: mitosis

5. c) After a baby is born, stem cells may be collected from the umbilical cord. These can be frozen and stored for possible use in the future.

i) What are stem cells?

Ans: A stem cell is a cell that can divide an unlimited number of times (by osmosis). When it divides, each new cell has the potential to remain a stem cell or to develop (differentiate) into a specialised cell such as a blood cell or muscle cell.

ii) Suggest why it is ethically more acceptable to take stem cells from an umbilical cord instead of using stem cells from a 4-day-old embryo produced by in Vitro Fertilisation (IVF).

Ans: 4 - day embryo is a potential) human life

iii) Stem cells taken from a child's umbilical cord could be used to treat a condition later in that child's life.

Give one advantage of using the child's own umbilical cord stem cells instead of using stem cells donated from another person.

Ans: perfect tissue match

The zygote formed by the fusion of a sperm with an egg at fertilisation is totipotent, as are the cells up to the 16-cell stage of development in humans. After that, some cells become specialised to form the placenta, while others lose this ability but can form all the cells that will lead to the development of the embryo and then the adult. These embryonic stem cells are described as pluripotent.

iv) Why would it not be possible to treat a genetic disorder in a child using his own umbilical cord stem cells?

Ans: Stem cells have same faulty gene/allele/DNA/chromosomes

6. a) Polydactyly is an inherited condition caused by a dominant allele.

Figure 5 shows the hand of a man with polydactyly. The man has an extra finger on each hand.

The man's mother also has polydactyly but his father does not.

i) The man is heterozygous for polydactyly.

Explain how the information given above shows that the man is heterozygous for polydactyly.

Ans: man has (inherited) polydactyly (PD) allele (from mother)

man has (inherited) other/normal/recessive allele from father

Because father does not have PD allele or if the father had it father would have had PD or father only has normal alllele.

ii) The man marries a woman who does not have polydactyly.

What is the probability that their first child will have polydactyly?

Ans: 0.5/1:1/50%

6.b) The man has red hair. His sister has brown hair.

Both of their parents have brown hair.

Brown hair is caused by the dominant allele B.

Red hair is caused by a recessive allele b.

Complete the genetic diagram below to show how the man's parents were able to have some children with red hair and some with brown hair.

                                                          Father                        Mother

Parental phenotypes:            both brown

Parental genotypes:                  Bb                                    Bb

Gametes                                         B       b                          B     b

offspring genotypes:               BB (2)          Bb              bb

Offspring phenotypes;             BB & Bb  = brown bb  = red

7. Some students wanted to estimate the number of plants in a grassy field.

The field measured 100 meters x 50 meters.

The students:

* chose areas where plantains were growing

* placed 10 quadrats in these areas

* counted the number of plantains in each of the 10 quadrants.

Each quadrat measured 25 cm x 25 cm.

Table 1 shows the students' results.

Table 1

Quadrat                         Number of plantain

number                                         plants

1                                                         2

2                                                         1

3                                                         4

4                                                        1

5                                                        3

6                                                       2

7                                                       4

8                                                    1

9                                                   1

10                                                 1_____

                                   Total  =  21

a)    Complete the following calculation to estimate the number of plantain plants in the field.

Use the students' results from Table 1.

Total number of plantains in 10 quadrats = _______________

                              Total area of 10 quadrats = ______________________

             Mean number of plantains per m² = _____________________


                            Area of field = 5000  m²

Therefore estimated number of plantains in field =_____________ ___________________________________________________

            mean   =  total number/area of 10 quadrats

                           =    20/0.625    

                           =  32

                  mean         x          field area = mean    x    5000

b) The students' method would not give a valid estimate of the number of plantain plants in the field.

Describe three improvements you could make to the students' method.

For each improvement, give the reason why your method would produce more valid results than the students' method.

Improvement 1     Place quadrats randomly

Reason      avoid bias/representative/reliable

Improvement -2: more quadrate

Reason:   over come random variable/ typical/ representative

Improvement-3; larger quadrats/ repeat when plants are bigger

Reason:  less likely to miss plants.

8. Figure -6 is a map showing a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, near the coast of California, USA.

A species of fox, called the island Fox, lives on each of the six islands shown in Figure 6. 

Figure 7  shows an island Fox.

The foxes on each island are slightly different from those on the other islands.

The island Foxes are similar to another species of fox, called the Grey Fox.

The Grey Fox lives in mainland California.

8. a) Suggest how scientists could prove that the six types of Island Fox belong to the same species.

Ans: reference to interbreeding successfully between Island types

8.b) Scientists believe that ancestors of the modern Island Fox first colonised what is now Santa Cruz Island during the last Ice Age, approximately 16,000 years ago. At that time, lowered sea levels made the three northernmost Islands into a single island and the distance between thsi island and the mainland was reduced to about 8 km.

8. b) i) How could the island Fox have developed into a completely different species from the mainland Grey Fox?

Ans: (two ancestral populations) separated/ isolated (by geographical barrier/sea)

and genetic variation (in each population) or different/new alleles or mutations

under different environments/conditions

natural selection occurs or better adapted survived to reproduce

so alleles / genes/mutations passed on

8. b) ii) Suggest why the island Foxes have developed into different varieties of the same species instead of six different species.

Ans: continue to mate with one another.

The foxes on each island are slightly different from those on the other islands.

The Island Foxes are similar to another species of fox, called the Grey Fox.

The Grey Fox lives in mainland California.

8. a) Suggest how scientists could prove that the six types of island Fox belong to the same species.

Ans: reference to interbreeding successfully between Island types.


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