
1. What is angle?

Ans: two lines from a vertex make a shape called an angle.

Two rays with a common end point form an angle. An angle is also formed when two line segments meet or cross.

2. Right angle: 
An angle which is equal to 90 degrees, one quarter of a full revolution is called right angle.

3. Acute angle:
An angle which is less than 90 degrees or right angle is called acute angle.

4. Obtuse angle:
An angle which is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees

5. Point:
An exact location on a plane is called a point.

How is an Angle Measured?

Degree is the unit by which an angle is measured. It is defined as  1/360 of a complete revolution. Thus, one complete revolution about a point is 360. We can measure angles with a protractor. 

a) Adjacent Angles: 

Two angles, which lie side by side such that one of their arms and the vertex is common, are called angles. 

Vertically Opposite Angle:

In the figure, AOB and COD are straight lines. Calculate the value of a and b.

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