Oxford Reading Circle Book - 2


1. Mice
2. Ruby's Garden
3. Farmer Ben's Boot
4. An Alphabet
5. Constable Plod
6. Chicken Licken
7. The Boy Who Never Told a Lie
8. The Nail
9. The Three Spinners
10. The Rooks
11. The Pgeon and the Ant
12. My New Rabbit
13. Somu's Car - 1
14. Somu's Car - 2
15. The Little Old Lady
16. The Kind Dolphins
17. The Lost Doll
18. Don't Talk
19. If Ever I see
20. Strong Together
21. Storm Cloud
22. Walnuts and Pumpkins
23. Two Little Kittens
24. The Emperor's Beard

            Chapter 1


                               I think mice
                         Are rather nice,
                       Their tails are long,
                         Their faces small,
                          They haven't any
                             Chins at all.
                       Their ears are pink,
                         Their teeth are white,
                         They run about
                         The house at night,
                          They nibble things
                        They shouldn't touch
                          And no one seems
                          To like them much.
                          But I think mice 
                         Are nice

                                  Rose Flyeman

Summary :

The poem 'Mice' is written by Rose Fyleman. The poem is all about why mice are nice. They have small faces, pink ears and white teeth. No one else seems to like mice, because they run around the house at night and nibble on things. But in the end, mice are nice. It is a very simple poem with a wonderful playful spirit.


1. Why do you think the poet likes mice?

Ans: The poet likes mice because they have long tails, small
faces, pink ears, and white teeth.

2. Why do some people think mice are not nice?

Ans: Some people think mice are not nice because they run around
the house at night and nibble and touch things they shouldn’t.

3. Do you think mice are nice or not?

Ans: I think mice are nice because they are small and cute.

4. Which words in the poem rhyme?

Ans: mice-nice; small-all; white-night; touch-much are words in the poem rhyme.


             Chapter 2

             Ruby's Garden


1. What did Mrs Dibbins want Ruby to tell her about?

Ans: Mrs. Dibbins wanted to know about the first day in school from Ruby.

2. When did Mrs. Dibbins get cross and why?

Ans: Mrs. Dibbins got crossed when Ruby told her mother that she spent the whole day in the garden.

3. What made Mrs. Thomas laugh?

Ans: Mrs. Thomas laughed to see that Mrs. Dibbins got surprised to know that Ruby spent the whole day in a garden. Mrs. Thomas then explained that the name of students are named after flowers like Rose, Poppy, Iris, Jasmine, Daisy. That is why Mrs. Thomas called the classroom "The Garden".

Q.1. Why were mums and dads at the school gate?

Ans: Mums and dads were at the school gate waiting for their
children to come out as soon as school got over.

Q.2. What did Mrs. Dibbins want Ruby to tell her about?

Ans: Mrs. Dibbins wanted Ruby to tell her how she spent her first
day at school.

Q.3. What did Ruby and her mum chat about on the way home?

       Ans:  Ruby and her mum chatted a little about school and then
about Ruby’s pet kitten, Minnie.

Q.4. When did Mrs. Dibbins get cross and why?

   Ans:  Mrs. Dibbins was worried about Ruby spending the whole
day in the garden. So she was cross when Mrs. Thomas
laughed at her anxiety.

Q.5. What made Mrs. Thomas laugh?

Ans:  Mrs. Thomas knew that the children had not been in the
garden at all. They had been inside the class and learning,
as flowers. So she laughed when Mrs. Dibbins was worried.


      Chapter 3                           

Farmer Ben's Boot


1.How many animals were on the farm?

Ans: Ben's farm had forty-six sheep, thirty-nine goats, sixty-two geese, forty-nine white hens, a big red rooster, a dozen pigs, a couple of horses, three cats, and a dog called Zinka.

2. In what ways did Zinka help farmer Ben?

Ans: Zinka helped Farmer Ben in many ways like Zinka gave company to Ben all the time. In the morning it brought the newspaper and Ben's boot.

3. Why did Farmer Ben look funny?

Ans: Farmer Ben looked funny because he could not find his one pair of boot and for this reason he walked with a boot on one foot and a shoe on the other.

4. How did Zinka find the boot?

Ans: Zinka asked all the animals whether they had seen Ben's boot, finally Zinka got to know from the cat that it saw the boot in the barn. Zinka picked it up and gave it to Ben.

Q.1. How many animals were on the farm?
Ans: Farmer Ben had seventeen cows, forty-six sheep, thirty-nine goats, sixty-two geese, forty-nine white hens, one big red rooster, two horses, three cats, and a dog named Zinka.

Q.2. In what ways did Zinka help Farmer Ben?
Ans: Every morning Zinka would run to the gate to get the
paper and after Farmer Ben had his cup of tea, she would
get his boots.

Q.3. Why did Farmer Ben look funny?
Ans: The farmer looked funny because he wore a boot on one
foot and a shoe on the other.

Q.4. How did Zinka find the boot?
Ans: One of the cats told Zinka where to find the boot.

Q.5. What did Zinka find the boot?
    Ans: There were five white baby mice in the boot.


1. What was A? What was good about it?
Ans:  A was an apple pie. It was nice inside.  
2. Which word tells us that eels are bendy?
Ans: The word ‘twirly’ tells us that eels are bendy.
3. Do we learn how a goose walks?
Ans: The word ‘waddle’ tells us how the goose walks. 
4. What does the poet ask the hen?
Ans: The poet asks the hen if it has any eggs. 
5. Do you think the fish was eaten? Why?
Ans: Yes, the fish was eaten because it was in a dish.

                    Chapter - 5
                   Constable Plod

1. Who is Mr. Plod and what is he like?
 Ans: Mr. Plod is a police constable in a small town. He is kind but
not very clever.
2. What questions did the Inspector ask?
Ans: The Inspector asked the thief to tell his name, his address,
his age, whether he had a wife, and whether he had any
3. What did the thief do?
Ans: The Inspector sent four photographs of the thief to Mr. Plod.
He sent them so that Mr. Plod could look for the thief.
4. What did the Inspector send Mr. Plod?
Ans: The Inspector was excited because he thought Mr. Plod had
caught the thief.
5. Why was the Inspector excited?
Ans: Mr. Plod was not very clever and he did not realise that the
four photographs were of the same thief.
6. In what way was Mr. Plod not clever?

                Chapter 6
              Chicken Licken


1. Where was Chicken Licken going?

              Ans: Chicken Licken was going to the woods. 

2. What happened to Chicken Licken there?

                    Ans: A huge acorn fell on her head. 

        3. Where was Henny Penny going, and why?

                     Ans:  When the acorn hit Chicken Licken, she thought that the

                            sky is coming down. Chicken Licken wanted to tell this to

                           the king. 

               4. Where did Chicken Licken want to take the others?

Ans:   Seven animals joined Chicken Licken. They were Henny
                 Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Drakey Lakey, Goosey
                     Loosey, Gander Lander, and Turkey Lurkey.

               5. How many friends did Chicken Licken take with her?

Ans: Foxy Loxy wanted to gobble up the animals.

                  6. What did Foxy Loxy tell the birds?

                   Ans:  The animals realized that the sky was not coming down,

                but it must have been an acorn that hit Chicken Licken. 


                  Chapter 7
            The Boy Who Never Told a Lie

Once there was a little boy,
With curly hair and pleasant eye -
A boy who always told the truth,
And never, never told a lie.
And when he trotted off to school,
The children all about would cry,

'There goes the curly-headed boy -
The boy that never tells a lie.'
And everybody loved him so,
Because he always told the truth,
That every day, as he grew up,
'Twas said, 'There goes the honest youth.'
And when the people that reason why,
The answer would be always this:
'Becasue he never tells a lie.


1. What did the boy look like?

Ans:  The boy had curly hair and pleasant eyes.
2. What was good about the way the boy behaved?
Ans:  The boy never told a lie.

3. Did his school friends like him?

4. Why did everyone like him?
Ans:  Everyone liked the boy because he never lied.

5. What was the boy called later in life?

         Ans: The boy was called the honest youth later in life

         Chapter 8

          The Nail


1. What did the tradesman do on the first Monday of each month?
Ans: On the first Monday of each month the tradesman saddled
his horse and went from village to village to sell his goods.

2. Name some of the things the tradesman sold.
Ans:  The tradesman sold small but important things that people
needed like knives, ladles, string, matches, soap, salt, candle
wax, wicks, small towels, ribbons, balls, and even some
colourful marbles.


3. What did the children want from him?
Ans:  The children wanted sweets or toys from the tradesman and
the women wanted trinkets or bangles.


4. What did the tradesman tell the first stable lad?
Ans:  The tradesman told the first stable boy, ‘As long as the
saddlebag is not missing, I am happy! It is not safe on the
road at night. I must get home. The shoe will be all right for
five or six hours.’


5. What did the stable lads tell the man?
Ans:  When the man got to the forest it was dark and his horse fell
and broke its leg. He heard some men talking and laughing
and got frightened. So he ran and he tripped in the dark and
his saddlebag fell in a ditch and his coins fell out. He got up
and ran home.


6. What happened to the man in the forest?
7. Was the tradesman's wife happy with him?
8. What lesson do we learn from the story?
Ans:  From this story, we learn that we should first take care of all
problems however small they are, otherwise that might lead
to worse situations. We must not pay much importance to
money and not be too greedy. 


         Chapter - 9
        The Three Spinners


1. Why did Morna not help her mother?
Ans: Morna did not help her mother because she was very lazy.


2. What did the Queen ask Perla?
 Ans:  The queen asked Perla what the horrible noise was. Perla replied that her daughter was upset as she spins all day, and Perla does not have money to buy more flax for her. 


3. What did the Queen tell Perla about her son?
Ans: The queen took Morna to the castle so that she could marry her son, the prince, if she spun flax for her.


4. Did Morna spin flax in the castle?
 Ans:  No, Morna did not spin flax in the castle. 


5. What did the women have that was strange?
Ans: The first woman had a very broad foot and she drew the thread and trod the wheel; the second had a very large under lip and she made the thread wet with her lips; and the third had an enormous thumb and she pressed the flax and beat it on the table. 


6. What did the Prince say when the three women came to the wedding?
Ans: The prince asked Morna how her aunts were so ugly and told her to never spin again.


            Chapter -  10
             The Rooks

The rooks are building on the trees;
They build there every spring:
'Caw, caw,' is all they say,
For none of them can sing.

They're up before the break of day,
And up till late at night;
For they must labour busily
As long as it is light.
And many a crooked stick they bring,
And many a slender twig,
And many a tuft of moss, until
Their nests are round and big.

'Caw, caw!' Oh, what a noise
They make in rainy weather!
Good children always speak by turns,
But rooks all talk together.

                 JANE EUPHEMIA BROWNE


1. What are the rooks doing in the trees?
Ans: The rooks are building their nest in the trees.


2. Is it summer?
Ans: The rooks build their nests with crooked sticks, twigs, and


3. Do the rooks build at night?
Ans:  The rooks make a lot of noise in rainy weather.


4. What do the rooks build their nests with?
Ans:  The phrases that tell us that rooks are hardworking birds are:
up before the break of day, up till late at night, labour busily.


5. What do the rooks do in rainy weather?
6. How are children different from rooks?
Ans: Children are different from rooks because they take turns
to talk, but rooks all talk together.

         Chapter -11

         The Pigeon and the Ant

1. How were the ants busy?
Ans:  The ants were carrying a large piece of cake to their nest bit by bit.


2. Why was Anthony not working?
 Ans:  Anthony was not working because he was not feeling too well that day. 


3. Where did his aunt tell him to go?
Ans: His aunt told him to go and sit by the brook because the fresh air and sunshine would make him feel better.


4. How did the pigeon help Anthony?
Ans: The pigeon threw a wide piece of grass to Anthony. Anthony climbed onto it. When the grass got stuck in the reeds, he climbed onto the bank. 


5. Why did Anthony smile, and want to wave at the pigeon?
Ans:  Anthony smiled and wanted to wave at the pigeon to thank him for saving his life.


6. Why did the boy drop his bow and arrow and shout?
Ans: The boy dropped his bow and arrow and shouted because Anthony had bitten him. 
7. From this story, we learn that we should help others and others also may be able to help however small they are. 
8. Anthony was clever, helpful, friendly, and thankful.


Chapter 12

My New Rabbit

We brought him home, I was so pleased,
We made a rabbit hutch,
I give him oats, I talk to him,
I love him very much.

Now when I talk to Rover dog,
He answers me 'Bow-wow!'
And when I speak to Pussy-cat,
She purrs and says 'Mee-ow!'

But Bunny never says a word,
Just twinkles up his nose,
And what that rabbit thinks about,
Why No one ever knows.

My Mother says the fairies must
Have put on him a spell,
They told him all their secrets, then
They whispered, 'Pray don't tell.'

So Bunny sits there looking wise,
And twinkling with his nose,
And never, never tells
A single thing he knows.



1. What did the poet do for the rabbit?

2. What answers do the animals give?

3. What does the rabbit keep quiet?

4. Why does the rabbit keep quiet?

5. Does the rabbit give away any secrets?

1. The poet made a rabbit hutch and gave oats to the rabbit to eat. 

2. The dog barks when spoken to and the cat purrs in answer. 

3. The rabbit does not say anything at all.

 4. According to Mother, the rabbit keeps quiet probably because the fairies had told him their secrets and then put a spell on him to stop him from telling others their secrets.


Chapter 13

Somu's Car - 1


1. where do you think Somu and his Dad were driving? How do we know?

2. Why did the car stop?

3. How did Dad take off the wheel?

4. What happened when Dad leaned on the car?

5. What did Dad say when he ran after the car?

6. How was the car brought out of the mud?

1. Somu and his Dad were out for a drive away from the town. We know this because there was no garage nearby and Dad had to fix the car himself. 

2. The car stopped after a loud bang because there was a puncture. 

3. Dad put the jack under the car and turned the rod till the car was lifted. Then he undid the nuts on the wheel with a spanner, and then he took off the wheel. 

4. When Dad leaned against the car there was a loud sound as the car fell off the jack and started rolling down the hill on three wheels.

5. Dad told Somu to always remember to put the handbrake when he was running after the car. 

6. The car was brought out of the muddy field by a helpful farmer. He tied a rope to the car and used two bullocks to pull the car out of the mud and onto the road. 

7. The three mistakes that Somu’s dad made were – 

1) He had not got the spare tyre repaired.

2) He forgot to put the handbrake. 

3) He left Granny in the car.


  Chapter 14                                    

Somu's Car-2🚗 

by Nicholas Horsburgh


1  How were Somu and his Dad stuck?

Ans: Somu and his Dad were stuck because the tyre got punctured.
The fourth wheel and the spare had holes in them.

2. How did they get the car onto the lorry?

Ans: The driver, the cleaner, Dad, Somu, the boy and the farmer, all heaved, grunted, shoved, painted and pushed and thus they got the car up onto the lorry.

3. What did Granny do all the time?

Ans : Granny was knitting all the time. 

4. Where did the lorry stop and why?

Ans: The lorry stopped under the bridge because the roof of the car had stuck under the bridge.

5. Who had a clever idea and what was it?

Ans: Somu had a clever idea, his idea was to let a little air out from the tyres and thus the lorry go.

1. Somu and his Dad were stuck because their car had one punctured wheel. Even the spare wheel had a hole in it. They did not know how they were going to get home. 

2. The driver, the cleaner, Dad, Somu, the boy on the bicycle, and the farmer all pushed the car with great effort onto the lorry. 

3. The cleaner moved away from the driver because, the driver had the habit of slapping him.

 4. The lorry stopped under the bridge as the roof of the car got stuck there. 

5. Somu had a clever idea. He suggested that they should take out some air from the tyres. Then the lorry would come down and move under the bridge.

Chapter 15
The Little Old Lady

That little grey-haired lady
is as old as old can be,
Yet once she was a little girl,
A little girl like me.

She liked to skip instead of walk,
She wore her hair in curls;
She went to school at nine, and played 
With other little girls.

I wonder if in years and years,
Some little girl at play,
Who's very like what I am now,
Will stop to look my way,

And think: 'That grey-haired lady
Is as old as old can be,
Yet once she was a little girl,
A little girl like me.'

              RODNEY BENNETT


1. How old is the lady?

2. what did the old lady look like long ago?

3. What did the old lady do long ago?

4. What does the little girl wonder?

5. What will you be like when you are old?


 1. The little girl thinks that the lady is as old as old can be. 

2. The old lady had curls and black hair. 

3. She would skip instead of walk.

Chapter 16

The Kind Dolphins


1. Where did the fisherman live?

2. How were the river dolphins different from other dolphins of the world?

3. What do dolphins like most?

4. What happened to the fisherman during the storm?

5. How was the fisherman saved?

 1. The fisherman lived on his boat.

 2. The dolphins in this river were blind. 

3. Dolphins like to eat carps and tiny shrimps. 

4. The fisherman slipped on the deck and fell into the water during the storm. Then the fisherman was saved by two dolphins. One dolphin carried him on its back. They swam to his boat and put him on the deck. 

5. The fisherman told his wife to ask the dolphins to tell her how the fisherman got back into the boat because they swam to his boat and put him on the deck.



Chapter 17

The Lost Doll

1. What did the doll look like before it was lost?

2. What did the doll look like after it was found?

3. What animals live on the heath?

4. What did other people say about the doll?

5. What does the poet think about the doll now

6. Which lines in the poem are repeated?


1. The doll had red and white cheeks and charmingly curled hair before it was lost. 

2. The doll’s paint had washed away, its arms were trodden off, and its hair had lost its curls when it was found. 

3. Other people said the doll had terribly changed.

 4. The cow is mentioned in the poem.

 5. The lines repeated in the poem are: 
The prettiest doll in the world. As I played on the heath one day. 

6. The poet still thinks it is the prettiest doll in the world because the poet liked the doll.



Chapter 18

Don't Talk


1. In what way was Tommy lucky?
Ans: 1. Tommy was lucky because he had a room of his own, lots of toys, a shiny new bicycle, and even a pet cat called Smudge.  
2. What was the sad thing about Tommy?

            Ans: The sad thing about Tommy was that he got cross very easily. 

3. What happened one day?

          Ans: One day he got cross with his mother and said 

                  he didn’t want to talk to her anymore.  

4. What did Mrs Smith find in Tommy's room?

              Ans: Mrs. Smith found a note for her in Tommy’s room.  

5. Why did Tommy not go on the school trip?

             Ans: Tommy did not go on the school trip because he

                    did not wake up on time. 

6. Do you think Tommy learnt anything from what happened?
Ans:  Tommy learnt a lesson that if he did not talk, his mother would also not talk, and that if he chose to talk to his mother through notes, then his mother would also answer him through notes. Then he would suffer. (Accept other responses.)


             Chapter 19

If ever I See

The Little Old Lady
by Rodney Bennett
That little grey-haired lady
Is as old as old can be,
Yet once she was a little girl,
A little girl like me.

She liked to skip instead of walk,
She wore her hair in curls;
She went to school at nine, and played
With other little girls.

I wonder if, in years and years,
Some little girl at play,
Who's very like what I am now,
Will stop to look my way,

And think: “That grey-haired lady
Is as old as old can be,
Yet once she was a little girl,
A little girl like me.”


This poem is about an old lady. She didn't like to walk, she only liked to skip. She wore her hair curls. She went to school at nine and she played with other girls. Now she's an old lady and the girl was surprised because after years and years she will look like an old lady.


              Chapter- 20

             Strong Together

1. The poet says they must not play with a bird’s nest or steal young birds because it would cause them a great deal of sadness. 

2. The poet says that the birds’ mother would be sad if her children were to be stolen, just like the poet’s mother would be sad if he were stolen. 

3. If the young birds grow up and fly freely, they will be happy and sing to the poet. That, in turn, will make the poet happy if he is sad.

1. The farmer’s house was in the middle of the farm because there was no road to his farm. Also, living near the forest frightened him. 

2. Two of the oxen ploughed the land. The other two drew water from the well. 

3. The oxen stayed safe by staying together and protecting each other.

 4. The lion and the jackal tricked the oxen by telling each one untrue stories about the others. The oxen believed these stories and became separated from one another.

 5. One by one, the oxen were killed by the lion and the jackal. They came to a sad end because they did not remain together, so it became easy to kill them. 

6. We learn from this story that we should be careful of others, and not to believe in lies. We also learn that we should remain together otherwise the enemy will defeat us.


                 Storm Cloud

1. The speaker is young because of the sense of wonder he is filled with. He is a child because he is accompanied by his parents and he gets scared by the thunder and the lightning. 
2. The words are: 
a. colour—grey, blue, hue, black
 b. light—flash 
c. sound—rumbled, grumbled, kerboom, crash 
3. The cloud ‘rumbled’ and ‘grumbled’ making the poet say that it was not very nice. 
4. The storm frightens the little child.


Chapter -22

Walnuts and Pumpkins


1. Jameel’s journey was taking a long time because there were no cars, buses, or trains. So he had to walk all the way. 

2. Jameel sat under a tree to rest because he was tired. 

3. Jameel thought that huge pumpkins should grow on big trees and small walnuts should grow on small vines. 

4. Jameel dreamt that huge pumpkins were growing on big trees and small walnuts were growing on the vines nearby. 

5. Jameel was filled with joy because if a pumpkin had fallen on his head, he would have died. 

6. He said God was great and wiser than him.


Chapter- 23

Two Little Kittens

Two little kittens, one stormy night,

Began to quarrel, and then to fight;

One had a mouse, the other had none,

And that's the way the quarrel begun.

'I'll have that mouse,' said the biggest cat;

'You'll have that mouse? We'll see about that!'


'I will have that mouse,' said the eldest son;

'You shan't have the mouse,' said the little one.

I told you before 'twas a stormy night

When these two little kittens began to fight;

The old woman seized her sweeping broom,

And swept the two kittens right out of the room.

The ground was covered with frost and snow,

And the two little kittens had nowhere to go;

So they laid them down on the mat at the door,

While the old woman finished sweeping the floor.

Then they crept in, as quiet as mice,

All wet with the snow, and cold as ice,

For they found it was better, that stormy night,

To lie down and sleep than to quarrel and fight.

Word meaning:

seized = grabbed hold of

crept = moved along the ground, quietly and slowly

stormy = weather with wind, rain, thunder and lightning

quarrel = to argue


1. What did the kittens quarrel about? 

Ans: The kittens quarrelled about a mouse. 

2. Who stops the kittens from arguing? How?

Ans: An old woman stopped them from arguing, when she swept them out of the room with her sweeping broom. 

3. What happened to the kittens when they were outside? 

Ans: When the kittens were outside they were cold and wet because the ground was covered with snow. 

4.What is the message of the poem? 

Ans: The message of the poem is to not fight over things, but to share them.

C. Word  meanings: 

1. Find words in the poem that have a similar meaning to the following words. Use a dictionary.

            a. tempest      b. argue       c. grabbed        d. earth        e. frozen water

                      2. Talk about these words for weather. Have you seen or felt them all?

                       a. fog        b. storm         c. heatwave       d. snow

                Think of four more words that describe the weather. 


Chapter- 24

The Emperor’s Beard


1. The ministers are talking about Birbal’s closeness to Emperor Akbar at the beginning of the play. 

2. The ministers were worried that Birbal is getting more importance than he deserves. 

3. The ministers are keen to tell the emperor that Birbal is not there and that the emperor realises that Birbal is sleeping and is not in the court. 

4. The ministers suggest that the culprit’s head be chopped off, that he be thrown out of the country, or hung upside down from the tallest tree. 

5. The ministers suggest such severe punishments because they think that this will please the emperor. They also want to show Akbar that Birbal is not the only wise man in the court. 

6. Birbal suggested that Akber should give lots of hugs and kisses to the one who had pulled Akbar’s beard. 

7. Birbal is wise because he knew that the only person who would dare pull the emperor’s beard was the prince. That is why he could give the correct answer.

C. 1. a. Arif is the speaker. He means that Birbal is like a pet animal that stays by its master’s side all the time. 

b. Minister 2 is the speaker. He means to silence the others with his warning.

 c. Arif is the speaker. He means that Birbal is sleeping at home like he usually does. 

d. The Chief Minister is the speaker. He wants to express how serious he thinks the crime is.

 e. Minister 1 is the speaker. He means that he supports the other ministers. 

f. Minister 1 is the speaker. He means that Birbal’s behaviour is shameful. 

The Fairy Flute 


1. What is the flute made of?

Ans: The flute is made of gold and ivory.

2. Where was it found?

Ans: It was found in a hollow tree.

3. Where is the flute played? 

Ans: The flute is played in the meadows, in the village in the street and where love the poet's little brother walks.

4. Who is able to play the flute?

Ans: Ans: Poet's brother is able to play the flute. 

5. How many words in the poem tell us about sound and movement?

Ans: The words like singing, tune, music tell us about sound.
The words like dancing, singing, walk, play, nobbling tell us about movement.


1. Who are peter and paul?

Ans: Peter and Paul are little dicky birds.

2. Where do they sit?

Ans: They are sitting on a wall.

3. What do they do?

Ans: They are flying and come back on a wall.

Tom's Parrot

1. What is the parrot called?

Ans: The Parrot is called Polly.

2. Where does the parrot sit?

Ans: The parrot is sitting ona tree.

3. What does Tom say?

Ans: Tom says "come here . Polly."

4. What does Tom do?

Ans: Tom brings a mango.

5. When does the parrot come?

Ans: When the parrot sees the mango and comes back.



1. What did the moon look like?

Ans: The moon looked like a toy balloon and it was silvery-white in colour.

2. What did the stars look like?

Ans: The stars looked like ice.

3. What did the stars look as if they were doing?

Ans: The stars looked as if they were chasing the moon in a race.

4. What did everyone say?

Ans: Everyone said that it's the clouds that fly and not the moon and the stars.

5. Which words in the poem tell us that things are moving?

Ans: Flying, runaway, racing, sailing away. These are the words which tell us that things are moving.

Constable Plod

1. Who is Mr. Plod and what is he like?

Ans: Mr. Plod is a policeman. He is like a nice man.

2. What questions did the inspector ask?

Ans: The inspector asked the thief 'What is your name?"
"What is your address?"
He asked lots of questions.

3. What did the thief do?

Ans: The thief ran away.

4. What did the inspector send Mr. Plod?

Ans: The Inspector sent four photographs of the thief to Mr. Plod.

5. Why was the Inspector excited?

Ans: The Inspector was excited, because he got a call from Mr. Plod and thought that the thief had been caught.

6. In what way was Mr. Plod not clever?

Ans: Mr. Plod was not clever because he did not understand that there was four photographs of one thief.

The Elves and the Shoemaker

1. Where the shoemaker and his wife rich people at first?

Ans: No, the shoemaker and his wife were not rich people at first.

2. What was so good about the shoes made by the elves?

Ans: The shoes made by the elves were so good that the shoemaker got twice the usual price.

3. What did the lady say when she saw the shoes?

Ans: When the lady saw the shoes she told that she had never seen such well-made shoes.

4. What did the man pay for his shoes?

Ans: The man paid the shoemaker twice the usual price for two pairs of shoes.

5. What did the elves do in the work shop?

Ans: The elves sat on the bench, stitched, sewed, hammered the leather and prepared beautiful shoes and arranged them neatly.

6. How did the shoemaker and his wife thank the elves?

Ans: The shoemaker and his wife thanked the elves by making white shirts given jackets, pairs of trousers, two little caps with a feather in each for the elves.

The Guest

1. Why were there people at the webster's house?

Ans: There were people at the Webster's house because they were invented for the Christmas party.

2. Who welcomed the guests at the front door?

Ans: Mr. and Mrs. webster were welcoming guests for a party.

3. What did the little man do at the party?

Ans: The little man sat on a chair. He ate and drank. He chatted with the guests. He also spoke with Mr. Webster about the cold weather.


Ans: The little man's wife was waiting in the car outside.


Ans: The little man came into the house to tell Mr. Webster that one of his guests had parked their car in front of their gate. If they could move the blocking car, the little man and his wife could visit their son.

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