Excretory System

 Biology - 9 & 10 

Chapter - 8

1. What is dialysis?

Ans: When kidney failure happens then the process of purifying blood by scientific method is named dialysis. Usually, with the help of kidney machine, blood can be purified.

2. What is the Malphigian organ?

Ans: Malphigian organ is the structural organ of the nephron which is composed of the glomerulus and Bowman’s capsule.

3. What is the pelvis?

The outer side of the kidney is convex and inner side is concave having an indentation called hilus the chamber in the hilus is pelvis.

4. What are the excretory products?

Ans: Basically excretory products mean nitrogenous waste. Human excretory product is expelled from the body as urine. Almost 90% of water is the component of urine. Other components are urea, uric acid, creatinine, and different kinds of salts.

5. What are kidney stones?

Ans: Small stones like substance produced by kidney is known as kidney stone. Any one can be attacked by these disease. But it has been noticed that the male have the higher possibility of stone formation than the female. Excessive body weight/obesity, infection in kidney, drinking insufficient water, intaking of excessive protein e.g. meat and eggs are the causes of kidney stones.

6. Explain measures to keep the ureter sound.

Ans: Following measures should be taken in order to keep the ureter sound:

i. To be careful about the tonsilitis and scabies of the children.

ii. To keep control of high blood pressure.

iii. To keep control of diabetes.

iv. Immediate treatment for diarrhoea, blood loss.

v. To avoid smoking and pain relieving medicine.

Vi. To drink adequate amount of water.

Vii. To lead a regular life.

Multiple-choice questions

1. Where is urea produced?

A. Kidney
B. Liver *
C. Body cell
D. Renal artery

2. Decreases the possibility of forming kidney stones?

i) decreasing body weight
ii) drinking insufficient water
iii) in taking less amount of protein

Which one is correct?

A. i & ii
B. i & iii*
C. ii & iii
D. i, ii & iii

Read the stem and answer questions 3 and 4.

Toni does not follow the rules of drinking water and eating. Recently she excretes less urine and feels pain in her lower back.

3. Causes of producing less urine-

i) excessive sweating
ii) taking less fruits
iii) taking salty food

Which one is correct?

A. i & ii
B. ii & iii
C. i & iii
D. i, ii & iii*

4. The causes of this problem-

i) deposit water
ii) inflammation in urinary duct
iii) elimination of sugar with urine

Which one is correct?

A. i & ii *
B. ii & iii
C. i & iii
D. i , ii , iii

Creative questions

1. A. What is the medulla?

Ans: The inner part of kidney is called medulla. Its colour is quite black. There are 8- 12 renal pyramids in the medulla.

B.What is the glomerulus?

Ans: In nephron the bowman’s capsule, containing a small cluster of vessels is called glomerulus. Afferent arteriole from renal artery enters the capsule, after entering the bowman’s capsule it breaks into about 50 capillaries. These capillaries divide again and from a mass of fine capillaries. Glomerulus acts as a filter and produces glomerular filtràte from the blood.

C. Explain why Figure-A is compared with a filter?

Ans: Figure A is an important excretion organ of human body which is called kidney. Excretion is a biological process by which the waste products in the body are excreted from body. By metabolism some toxic elements like urea, uric acid, sodium, creatinine etc. are produced. The kidney is compared with filter because the parts of this organ are responsible for excretion. The function unit of kidney is called nephron. In nephron there is bowman’s capsule which contains glomerulus. Glomerulus works like filter and produces glomerular filtrate from the blood. Each nephron of kidney is continuously producing urine through a complex process. The urine reaches to the pelvis of the kidney through collecting tubules and proceeds through the funnel-like extended part of the pelvis and enters ureter. Ureter carries urine from kidney. The urine passes out to the body through urethra. In this way, kidney helps to expel nitrogen products from the body. That’s why figure -A is compared with a filter.

D. If Figure -A is damaged or inactive. What measures will you take to prevent damage to Figure A ? Give your opinion.

Ans: If figure A means kidney failure happens then we can take two steps which are given below:


When kidney failure happens when the process of purifying by the scientific method is named dialysis. Usually, with the help of a kidney machine, blood can be purified. A kidney machine receives blood through a tube connected to an artery. Inside the machine blood flows through dialysis tubing which allows small molecules including urea, uric acid to pass through its walls. The 'cleaned' blood is returned to the patient through a tube connected to a vein.


An alternative way is kidney transplantation. A person can survive adequately with one kidney with a normal kidney from some other person but one should be aware of tissue matching between donor and recipient. There is every possibility of tissue matching if it is donated by parents, brother or sister and nearest relatives. Donation of posthumous kidney is a good service to mankind.

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