Healthy Lifestyle


Grade- 3

Q. 1. What should you do after using toilets?

Ans: We should wash hands with clean water and soap after using toilets.

Q.2. How can we prevent diseases?

Ans: We can prevent diseases in the following ways-
a) Washing hands
b) Using safe water
c) Cleaning environment
d)  To eat balanced diet 

Q.3. Why do we need a clean environment to stay healthy?

Ans: We need a clean environment to reduce the spread of germs.



Q.3. Short Answered Questions:
a) What are the sources of vitamin C?

Ans: The sources of vitamin C are fruits such as guava, oranges, lemons, vegetables like tomatoes, cabbage and broccoli etc.

b) What are the function of vitamin A?

Ans: The function of Vitamin A are-
a) helps for proper vision
b) healthy skin, strong teeth 
c) healthy immune system.

c) Name 3 diseases caused by lack of vitamins.

Ans: lack of vitamins may cause different types of diseases such as night blindness, mouth ulcer, rickets.

d) What is vitamin B complex? From which food we can get it?

Ans: Vitamin B is made up of different types of vitamins that are called the vitamin B complex. 
We can get it from whole grains, dairy products, fish, liver, beans etc. 

Q.4. Descriptive Questions:

a) Why is a balanced diet important? Explain.

Ans: A balanced diet is important for keeping our body healthy. It contains adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients.

b) Explain the best way to get enough nutrients.

Ans: Nutrients are very important for our body. The best way to get enough nutrients is to eat a balanced diet with a variety of foods. 


Healthy Lifestyle


1. What is an infectious disease?

Ans: Infectious diseases are the diseases that causes by the entrance of germs.

2. Which are responsible for infectious diseases?

Ans: Bacteria, virus, Fungi are responsible for infectious diseases.

3. What is a contagious disease?

Ans: The diseases which is spread from one's body to another is called contagious diseases.

4. What steps can help to reduce the risk of diseases?

Ans: Getting vaccination and avoiding unhygienic foods helps reduce the risk of diseases.

5. What is puberty?

Ans: Puberty is the time in life when our body begins to develop and change from a body of a child to the body of a teenager.

6. What changes occur during puberty?

Ans: Puberty physical, emotional and behavioral changes occur for boys and girls.

Q.7. Give 5 ways of how to prevent infectious diseases.

Ans: The ways to prevent infectious diseases are –

a.     Using safe water

b.     Washing hands

c.      Adequate ventilation in our rooms

d.     Covering face during coughs

e.     Eating a balanced diet

Q.8. What are airborne diseases?

Ans: Airborne diseases are the diseases caused by germs and transmitted through the air due to coughing, sneezing, or talking. Example: Swine flu, measles, influenza, tuberculosis etc.

Q 9. How can we cure the infectious diseases?

Ans: We can cure the infectious diseases by taking rest, eating nutritious food and drinking enough safe water.

Q 10. What are the causes of infectious diseases?

Ans: The causes of infectious diseases are –

a.     Contact with an infected person

b.     Transmitted by animals or insect bites

Q.11. What is a good way to manage your anxiety about changing body looks during puberty?

Ans: Maintaining personal hygiene and taking nutritious food is a good way to manage our anxiety about changing body looks during puberty.







Descriptive Questions:

Q.1. Explain how infectious diseases spread.

Ans: Infectious diseases can spread in different ways. Some diseases can pass from person to person through the air when someone coughs or sneezes. We may get infectious diseases by using glass, plate, chair, table, clothes etc. that used by an infected person.

Q 2. We can prevent Dengue or Malaria by removing object holding water like bowl, tyre etc. Why?

Ans: Dengue or Malaria is caused by mosquito bites. Dengue and Malaria germs carrier mosquito lays their eggs in the water holding objects such as tub, tyre or canister around our house. So we can prevent Dengue or Malaria by removing object holding water like a bowl, tyre etc.

Q.3. How are waterborne disease and airborne disease alike and different?

Ans: Airborne diseases are diseases caused by germs and transmitted through into the air due to coughing, sneezing or talking. Waterborne diseases are the diseases caused by taking water contaminated with germs. Reliable access to clean drinking water and sanitation are the main methods to prevent waterborne diseases. Airborne diseases are widespread and easily treatable, in most cases and complete prevention is difficult.

Q.4. We can prevent the spread of diseases by covering the face during coughs and sneezes with elbow. Why is elbow better than hands when you cover coughs and sneezes?

Ans: We can prevent infectious disease by covering the face during coughs and sneezes with tissue, handkerchief or elbow and keeping our environment clean. Coughing or sneezing into your elbow catches the droplets and stops them from getting on your hands. Then wash our hands thoroughly. Face covering can help us to slow virus transmission and the elbow can effectively prevent the fluids from spreading.

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