Conduction, Convection, Radiation

 Science Class-5


Q.1 What’s the Difference Between Conduction, Convection, and Radiation?

Q.2. What are the three processes of heat transfer?


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Q.1 What’s the Difference Between Conduction, Convection, and Radiation?

Q.2. What are the three processes of heat transfer?

1. Transfer of heat through solid matter is called conduction.
2. Conduction can work through solids.
3. For example, if we place a metal spoon in the hot water, soon it begins to feel hot. This is because the spoon is heated by hot water, and then the heat spreads to the colder end of the spoon.

1. Transfer of heat energy through the gases and liquids is called convection.
2. Convection can work through liquids and gases.
3. For example, when we put a pot of water on a stove, the heated water near the bottom of the pot rises to top. At the same time, the cold water near the top sinks to the bottom of the pot and then it is heated and rises to the top. Through this process heat spread from top to bottom of the pot.

1. Radiation is the process in which energy is emitted from a source without any medium.
2. Radiation can even work without any medium.
3. Light is the form of energy that helps us to see. Light travels as radiation.

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